1989 - Master of Fine Art, University of Calgary, Calgary AB University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
1986 - Aberdeen College of Commerce
1984 - Cyprus College of Art
1982 - Bachelor of Fine Art (honours), Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
1989 - Alberta Art Foundation Scholarship
1989 - Graduate Assistantship (teaching), University of Calgary
1987 - Graduate Assistantship (Research), University of Calgary
1983 - Elizabeth Greenshields Scholarship
1981 - Hospitalfield School of Art Summer Scholarship Exhibitions (solo)
2020 - Oak Bay Beach Hotel Art Collection, Winchester Galleries, Victoria
2020 - This Time, This Place, Winchester Galleries, Victoria
2019 - The Winter Show Compass Gallery, Glasgow
2019 - Creating Connections The Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts, Glasgow
2019 - Filter/ ed Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver
2019 - Aspect:Contemporary Landscape The Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts
2018 - Curated the Exhibition : Cut Weave Throw Print, Elissa Crystal Gallery Vancouver
2017 - Culmination The Front Gallery, Edmonton AB.
2016 - New Paintings (Gulf Islands) Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC.
2016 - A response to Salt Spring Island, Fault Line Projects, Salt Spring Island, BC.
2014 - Curated the exhibition : Sorting Ground, Pender Island, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC.
2014 - Curated the exhibition : Surround, Elissa Cristall Gallery
2011 - A Dialogue with the Fraser, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver BC
2009 - Markings… the grasslands of the Fraser River, ElissaCristall Gallery, Vancouver BC
2007 - The Appearance of Disappearance, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver BC
2006 - Whistler, new paintings and drawings, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2005 - New Paintings, Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland
2005 - Three Landscape Painters, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC
Lesley Finlayson, Randy Steeves, Jeroen Witvliet
2003 - Fraser River Series, Phthalo Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2002 - New Works, Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland
2001 - Still Water , Michael Gibson Gallery, London, ON
2000 - Coast, Foyer Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland
1998 - The Boundary Series, Canadian Art Galleries, Calgary, AB
1996 - Canadian Art Galleries, Calgary
1995 - The Alaska Series, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, BC
1995 - By Example, Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, BC
Anne Campbell and Lesley Finlayson, Fife, Scotland
1993 - Loci Familia, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, BC
1991 - The Scottish Paintings, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, BC
1990 - New Gallery Artists, Virginia Christopher Galleries, Calgary
1989 - Lookout, The Alcove, The New Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
1989 - The Works, Edmonton, AB
The MFA Graduating Exhibition
The Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary
Primary Focus, Virginia Christopher Galleries, Calgary
1988 - Twelve Prints by Calgary Artists
The New Gallery, Calgary
University of Calgary Theatre Mezzanine Gallery
1987 - Five Canadian Artists, Galerie Not, London, UK
1986 - Landscape Drawings and Paintings, Aberdeen Art Centre, Scotland Exhibitions (group)
1986 - Romance, Risk and Realism Artspace Gallery, Aberdeen
1985 - Artists from Cyprus, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow
1984 - Paphos Gallery, Cyprus
Nicosia Gallery, Cyprus
83/84 - Scottish Society of Arts Annual, Edinburgh
1982 - New Generation Artists, Edinburgh
1981 - The Hospitalfield Summer Exhibition Hospitalfield, Arbroath, Scotland
Esso Petroleum Canada (Calgary)
Sceptre Resources Ltd. (Calgary)
Public and private collections in Britain, Cyprus, Canada and the United States
Professional Associations
Art Advisory Board, The New Gallery, Calgary (1989)
Board of Directors, Artspace Gallery, Aberdeen (1986)
Art Education Coordinator, Artspace Gallery, Aberdeen (1985-6)
Former Department Head and Instructor, Painting, Langara College, Vancouver BC (1987 - 2011)