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1989 - Master of Fine Art, University of Calgary, Calgary AB University of Calgary, Calgary, AB

1986 - Aberdeen College of Commerce      

1984 - Cyprus College of Art

1982 - Bachelor of Fine Art (honours), Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland


1989 - Alberta Art Foundation Scholarship    

1989 - Graduate Assistantship (teaching), University of Calgary

1987 - Graduate Assistantship (Research), University of Calgary

1983 - Elizabeth Greenshields Scholarship

1981 - Hospitalfield School of Art Summer Scholarship Exhibitions (solo)


2020 - Oak Bay Beach Hotel Art Collection, Winchester Galleries, Victoria

2020 - This Time, This Place, Winchester Galleries, Victoria

2019 - The Winter Show Compass Gallery, Glasgow

2019 - Creating Connections The Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts, Glasgow

2019 - Filter/ ed Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver

2019 - Aspect:Contemporary Landscape The Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts

2018 - Curated the Exhibition : Cut Weave Throw Print, Elissa Crystal Gallery Vancouver

2017 - Culmination  The Front Gallery, Edmonton AB.

2016 - New Paintings (Gulf Islands) Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC.

2016 - A response to Salt Spring Island, Fault Line Projects, Salt Spring Island, BC.

2014 - Curated the exhibition : Sorting Ground, Pender Island, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC.

2014 - Curated the exhibition : Surround, Elissa Cristall Gallery

2011 - A Dialogue with the Fraser, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver BC

2009 - Markings… the grasslands of the Fraser River, ElissaCristall Gallery, Vancouver BC

2007 - The Appearance of Disappearance,   Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver BC

2006 - Whistler, new paintings and drawings, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC

2005 - New Paintings, Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland

2005 - Three Landscape Painters, Elissa Cristall Gallery, Vancouver, BC

             Lesley Finlayson, Randy Steeves, Jeroen Witvliet

2003 - Fraser River Series, Phthalo Gallery, Vancouver, BC

2002 - New Works, Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland

2001 - Still Water , Michael Gibson Gallery, London, ON

2000 - Coast, Foyer Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland

1998 - The Boundary Series, Canadian Art Galleries, Calgary, AB

1996 - Canadian Art Galleries, Calgary       

1995 - The Alaska Series, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, BC

1995 - By Example, Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, BC

             Anne Campbell and Lesley Finlayson, Fife, Scotland

1993 - Loci Familia, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, BC

1991 - The Scottish Paintings, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, BC

1990 - New Gallery Artists, Virginia Christopher Galleries, Calgary

1989 - Lookout, The Alcove, The New Gallery, Calgary, Alberta

1989 - The Works, Edmonton, AB

             The MFA Graduating Exhibition

             The Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary

             Primary Focus, Virginia Christopher Galleries, Calgary

1988 - Twelve Prints by Calgary Artists

             The New Gallery, Calgary

             University of Calgary Theatre Mezzanine Gallery                                     

1987 - Five Canadian Artists, Galerie Not, London, UK

1986 - Landscape Drawings and Paintings, Aberdeen Art Centre, Scotland Exhibitions (group) 

1986 - Romance, Risk and Realism Artspace Gallery, Aberdeen

1985 - Artists from Cyprus, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow

1984 - Paphos Gallery, Cyprus

             Nicosia Gallery, Cyprus

83/84 - Scottish Society of Arts Annual, Edinburgh

1982 - New Generation Artists, Edinburgh   

1981 - The Hospitalfield Summer Exhibition Hospitalfield, Arbroath, Scotland


  • Esso Petroleum Canada (Calgary)

  • Sceptre Resources Ltd. (Calgary)

  • Public and private collections in Britain, Cyprus, Canada and the United States

Professional Associations 

  • Art Advisory Board, The New Gallery, Calgary (1989)

  • Board of Directors, Artspace Gallery, Aberdeen (1986)

  • Art Education Coordinator, Artspace Gallery, Aberdeen (1985-6)

  • Former Department Head and Instructor, Painting, Langara College, Vancouver BC (1987 - 2011)

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